Megan Curran, MD

Understanding Second-Line Treatments and Side Effects

Second-line treatments refer to options beyond steroids and methotrexate. They are designed to manage JM while reducing reliance on those medications. We understand that adding new treatments to your child’s regimen can be intimidating. However, rest assured that your doctor has carefully considered the benefits and risks of each option to design the best treatment plan for your family.
Video Resources

At Cure JM, we want all our information to be accessible to you and your family. We have compiled all of our video resources in one place for you to view at your leisure.
What Parents Should Know About IVIg (Intra-Venous ImmunoGlobulin)

The questions about what to do before and post-IVIg to prevent side effects come up often. We know that IVIg can be a very beneficial treatment for JDM, yet it is not without potential side effects. Please read further to minimize the event’s trauma and prevent side effects, e.g., nausea, severe headaches, etc.
Published Research Studies and Abstracts Supported by Cure JM

There are a number of published studies about juvenile myositis. Browse this list of over 100 published research studies and abstracts.
Clinical Care Network

Patients with juvenile myositis deserve the best care possible. The Cure JM Clinical Care Network links patients to top juvenile myositis physicians.
How to Talk to Your Child About Mental and Emotional Health

We know that living with juvenile dermatomyositis affects the physical as well as emotional health of our children. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish “normal” behavior and feelings from more difficult ones of depression and anxiety.
Emotional and Mental Health Information for Medical Providers

We recommend that mental health assessment and treatment options be an integral part of comprehensive care for children, adolescents, and adults with juvenile myositis.