Peer Support

Peer Support

Cure JM is an organization of parents, patients, and clinicians whose mission is to fund JM research, care, and support.  We offer peer-support for every member of the family to help them thrive in their daily life with JM, comply with medication instructions, and connect with other families.

We invite all clinicians of pediatric or adult JM patients to share these resources with their patients.  

Click here for resources on how to start your own JDM Clinic 

Click here for resources to share with your patients and families 

Clinicians, researchers, and HCP’s click here to receive Cure JM’s quarterly Medical News. You will receive a quarterly summary of JDM updates and be invited to our quarterly medical symposia on Zoom.

Alexandra’s Story

Alexandra grew up in Philadelphia. At eight years old, she was diagnosed with juvenile dermatomyositis. Her first symptom was pain in her cuticles whenever she

Walking Strong, Empowered by unity

Walking Strong – Empowered by Unity

Like other teens new to the JM journey, Catie Beth Caldwell and Madi Cook were two individuals who felt alone at the beginning of their journeys. Catie Beth was diagnosed just before the Covid-19 pandemic took hold of the world as we knew it. With this came feelings of isolation and loneliness. These emotions were commonplace for many teens but were only compounded by teens new to a rare disease diagnosis. These first years of the “new normal” were difficult to navigate.

Join Cure JM

Membership is free and we’ll connect you with a network of support, encouragement, and resources.

Cure JM supports families, patients, and the juvenile myositis research community.

Interested in DIY fundraising but need help?

We’re here to help!

To have your fundraiser matched, add “DIY Match” in the memo of your online gift or check.