How to Talk to Your Child About Mental and Emotional Health

We know that living with juvenile dermatomyositis affects the physical as well as emotional health of our children. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish “normal” behavior and feelings from more difficult ones of depression and anxiety.

This presentation aims to increase understanding and awareness of emotional health and parents’ important role in supporting and encouraging a child’s mental health habits.

Presenters address the rationale and benefits of promoting emotional health in children, impart knowledge of emotional development milestones throughout childhood, and provide practical skills and language to discuss emotional and mental health with children.

Understanding the phases of emotional development in childhood helps parents feel more equipped to manage and promote emotional health in children.


  • Stacey Haynes, PhD Psychologist, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Cure JM Center of Excellence
  • Megan Curran, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics University of Colorado Denver, Attending Physician, Pediatric Rheumatology, Colorado Children’s Hospital
  • Anna Ramsey, BA, working on MSW, Young adult living with JM since adolescence
  • Annie Mitchell, BA in Special Education, Cure JM Board of Directors and Mom to a JM child

Traveling with JM

Planning a trip or vacation can be challenging, especially when you have a child with juvenile myositis. With spring break and summer break just around the corner, the pressure might be even greater. However, at Cure JM, we want to help ensure that you and your child can enjoy all the delights of a vacation with minimal stress.

Austin Krainz’s Story

Austin Krainz, diagnosed with juvenile dermatomyositis at the age of seven, overcame the challenges of a rare disease with the support of his family and pioneering treatment from Dr. Lauren Pachman. After more than a decade of battling the illness, Austin entered remission, fulfilling his childhood dream of professional racing in Porsche’s GT America series.

Affordable and Accessible Treatments for JM

Affordable and Accessible Treatments for JM

Two special guest speakers, Michelle Vogel, MPA, IV Solutions RX, and Laurel Cherwin, BSN, RN, IgCN, Octapharma, shared information on navigating affordable treatments and care for JM patients.

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Cure JM supports families, patients, and the juvenile myositis research community.

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