Cooper Cantrelle – Cure JM Advocate Scholarship in honor of Dr. Lauren M. Pachman

Cooper Cantrelle is no stranger to the JM journey and the burden of this rare disease being diagnosed at a time when JM experts were few and far between. Early in his journey, Cooper decided to use his experiences to make a difference by inspiring the next generation of JM kids. Over the years, Cooper has connected with others through community events like the Cure JM National Family Conference. As he puts it, he had a revelation during his family’s first Cure JM conference that would forever change his outlook. That revelation was that he wasn’t as alone as he’d always felt.

The feeling of isolation isn’t out of the ordinary for many coping with a rare disease. In the time that Cooper was diagnosed, JM was so rare that despite him living in a metropolitan area he traveled thousands of miles to get treatment from JM pioneers including Dr. Lauren Pachman in Chicago and Dr. Jeff Dvergsten at Duke.

As his journey progressed, Cooper’s perspective continued to evolve into one full of gratitude and opportunity.

“As I grew older, I was able to view my condition as an opportunity instead of a setback. I have been able to talk about my condition and spread awareness at events like Swing for a Cure and Crawfish Cookin’ for a Cause. Through my attitude change, I also discovered that everyone struggles with something. This discovery has allowed me to empathize with people I hadn’t thought I could before. I have noticed that empathy  specifically through the doctors that have treated me for JM.” 

Cooper Cantrelle after a successful half marathon

Cooper’s compassion for others has been greatly influenced by the doctors who treated him and helped his family navigate the unknown. As Cooper worked through school, his knack for problem solving and empathy were only reinforced.  Fusing his passion for science with his compassion for people, Cooper is working to become a doctor. During his undergraduate years at Auburn University, Cooper has become a researcher in pharmacy school to better understand the research side of medicine.

The Cure JM Foundation is proud to extend the Cure JM Advocate Scholarship in honor of Dr. Lauren M. Pachman to Cooper Cantrelle for his dedication and advocacy on his journey. 

“It’s an honor to come full circle and receive a scholarship in honor of Dr. Pachman, who cared for me and treated me with compassion when I felt alone. I plan to use my past experiences and my compassion for others. I have no doubt that I will be a  great physician one day who cares about every single one of his patients the way my doctors cared for me.”

Over the years, Drs. Pachman, Reed, and Rider have been inspired by the high level of achievement reached by so many of their patients. The doctors’ appreciation and value for JM patients reaching their educational aspirations presented this new opportunity.

“Working together, we have come a long way since I was introduced to my first pediatric patient with serious muscle weakness, and we now have the opportunity to continue to help these children fulfill their promise as adults.” Dr. Lauren Pachman

To learn more about the Cure JM Advocate Scholarships program, visit

Cure JM – Advocate Scholarships

The Cure JM Advocate Scholarships honor the founding members of Cure JM’s inaugural Medical Advisory Board and pioneering JM researchers and clinicians, Drs. Lauren M.

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Cure JM Advocate Scholarships

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