Myositis and You

“This gem of a book is a great resource to educate, remove some of the fears, and provide hope for anyone faced with living with this disease.”

John H. Klippel, MD
Former President and CEO, Arthritis Foundation

Receive a free digital copy of the book by joining Cure JM here.

Cure JM Foundation funded the first book ever published about juvenile myositis: Myositis and You.

Co-edited by one of our founders, this comprehensive guide features over 450 pages with contributions from over 80 experts and medical professionals. Myositis and You is available through

By reading this book, you will:

  • Learn what juvenile myositis (JM) is and how to explain it to children and teens
  • Understand the symptoms of JM, tests used to diagnose it, and how to find medical help
  • Find strategies to help cope with JM as a family
  • Understand treatment options and how health professionals track your child’s progress
  • Discover a number of resources to assist you in your journey

Proceeds from the sale of this book will help fund further research into juvenile myositis.

May Virtual Symposium 2024, Clinicians

Cure JM May 2024 – Virtual Symposium

The Cure JM Clinical Care Network hosted our second quarterly virtual symposium of 2024, “Juvenile Dermatomyositis – Advances in Clinical Care, Basic Research, and Translational Studies.” World-leading researchers and clinicians presented sessions on various topics, with the primary goal of enhancing the overall patient and provider experience through collaboration and best practice sharing.

Affordable and Accessible Treatments for JM

Affordable and Accessible Treatments for JM

Two special guest speakers, Michelle Vogel, MPA, IV Solutions RX, and Laurel Cherwin, BSN, RN, IgCN, Octapharma, shared information on navigating affordable treatments and care for JM patients.


Pioneering JM Care – Integrating Research With a Multidisciplinary Approach to Care

Dr. Jessica Turnier of the University of Michigan / Mott’s Children’s Hospital is dedicated to creating new directions for JM research and wider perspectives on how it is treated. About the University of Michigan, she states, “When I came to Michigan, there were a lot of myositis patients, and I just developed a really strong connection with those patients.”

Join Cure JM

Membership is free and we’ll connect you with a network of support, encouragement, and resources.

Cure JM supports families, patients, and the juvenile myositis research community.

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